AI: Artificial Intelligence.;  click! pandora.gif pandora.gif pandora.gif pandora.gif
Millions of responsible citizens across the world believe that Artificial Intelligence is an unwanted, dangerous and totally irresponsible development in Information Technology. A threat to the survival of Mankind itself.

We do not intend to sit idly by and allow it to proceed without, at the very least, the universal introduction of stringent and enforceable regulation.

Please complete the form below. Click the submit_button.gif button at the bottom of this page to send your data.

By submitting this form you are agreeing that part of the data collected may be used in petitions to lobby democratic governments to urge them to get their act together and introduce effective, enforceable legislation to protect both you and every other human being, along with all species on the planet. No personal details will be included in such petitions. Only total submission numbers, along with country of origin.

The publishers of this website adhere strictly in accordance with the provisions of the EU GDPR 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation). Your Email address can be provided optionally. This information will be collected in full compliance with the EU GDPR 2018 data protection regulations. It will not be passed to any other organisation or individual and will only be used to update you in the event of any significant developments relating to this critically important matter. You may subsequently ask to have your Email address deleted at any time.

Q. 1  RESPONSIBILITY I demand that any organisation or government body or individual, if publishing any digital content, including text, audio, music, video, images (photographs or drawings) or computer 'Apps' (computer programs) which includes any data generated by AI (Artificial Intelligence) then this data is collected by that AI in full compliance with all national and internationally recognised and enforceable Copyright law and other laws designed to protect ownership of intellectual property.
     I agree with the above statement
     AI Responsibility does not concern me
Q. 2  ACCOUNTABILITY I demand that all ISP (Internet Service Providers) providing on-line connections to any organisation or government body or individual, if publishing any digital content, containing any text, audio, music, video, images (photographs or drawings) or computer 'Apps' (computer programs) and knowing all or any part of this content was generated by AI (Artificial Intelligence) be required by law to automatically accept full liability for consequential losses and damages that can be proven to have resulted from use of that data.
     I agree with the above statement
     AI Accountability does not concern me
Q. 3  TRACEABILITY I demand that any organisation or government body or individual, if publishing any digital content, including text, audio, music, video, images (photographs or drawings) or computer 'Apps' (computer programs) and knowing all or any part of this content was generated by AI (Artificial Intelligence) clearly makes this known to me.
     I agree with the above statement
     AI Traceability does not concern me
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Email:     optional
Country:     required
Comments:-     optional
